Fear is an emotion caused by “the belief” that the outcome of something is likely to cause pain or a threat to your well being. THE BELIEF…a belief is something one accepts as true or real with or without there being empirical evidence to prove that is the case with factual certainty. A belief often does not require active introspection and circumspection and is often a catalyst for fear, which induces a response in the bodies metabolic and organ functions that ultimately causes a change in our behavior like:
Running away
In our day to day lives, how much of our fear is factual and how much is made up by us? I’ll step out here and say the majority of our fear is created by us and not based on any practical evidence. How often have you concluded failure before making a genuine effort when confronted with this emotion? how often has fear stifled your ability to obtain the object of your ambition? What exactly are you fearful of? An unsuccessful attempt? Or the possibility of success and the new gained responsibility that accompanies achievement. Why not allow fear to inflame your desire to succeed rather than extinguish your aspirations since we are all acting based on our beliefs anyway, which are largely made up by us and/or influenced by numerous external stimuli like observation of others and persuasion from authority. Choose to believe your desire for positive outcomes is greater than you fear of failure and like my good friend and teacher likes to say…”give fear the finger” and manifest the greatness you have to share with this world.