by Jamal Pender | May 5, 2016 | Thoughts & Emotions, Uncategorized
Fear is an emotion caused by “the belief” that the outcome of something is likely to cause pain or a threat to your well being. THE BELIEF…a belief is something one accepts as true or real with or without there being empirical evidence to prove that...
by Jamal Pender | Apr 8, 2016 | Thoughts & Emotions
Far too often in my life I have been asked “Where is your voice?” This is usually followed by a statement like “people need to hear from you” or “why don’t you say something”. My perception is, the question “where is my...
by Budokon | Oct 3, 2015 | Nutrition & Fitness, Relationships, Thoughts & Emotions
In December 2011, while on Christmas vacation in Toronto, I woke up to a day that would turn out to be one of the coldest days of my life. While showering, I discovered a lump in my right breast and I intuitively knew that it was cancer. Three weeks later, after...
by Budokon | May 29, 2012 | Thoughts & Emotions
In this area of our curriculum we learn how our personal story (our perception of our life up to now) guides our daily emotions towards bio-chemical relationships we develop within our bodies and our addictions to these states and feelings. We learn a process of...
by Budokon | May 21, 2012 | Thoughts & Emotions
In this area of our curriculum we study brain development, language, cognition and neurology. Under this pillar of our system we may cover a broad range of topics including belief systems, perception, critical thinking and ego state. Paralysed woman moves robot...