
Far too often in my life I have been asked “Where is your voice?” This is usually followed by a statement like “people need to hear from you” or “why don’t you say something”. My perception is, the question “where is my voice?” is precipitated by a persons desire for me to have some awesome ISH.. thing to say related to a subject or a current event that has taken place, which will have everyone contemplating their purpose in this world.

So here I am, someone not in love with the sound of my own voice and personally uncomfortable publicly debating individuals to see my point of view reign supreme at that moment in time being asked to let everyone know what I have to say….What do I have to say?… A lot, just not with my mouth. I prefer to let my actions do most of my talking for me and if I were given a platform to speak I would start by paraphrasing the Prophet Muhammad(SAW) here…speak Kind words or keep silent…be hospitable to your neighbor…and be hospitable to your guest. Do I need to say more than this?

With good reason I am always fond of statements that stress the importance of one’s actions more than the importance of one’s speech.  That is not to say an individual’s speech is not important and does not have its place when necessary. Far too often words are used as a substitute for action and an obstacle to progress as many Individuals speak with authority about that which they have no concrete knowledge of, which to me is like the braying of a donkey(no one really wants to hear it). When someone really isn’t knowledgeable about what they are speaking on I believe they should talk less and listen more to those that are knowledgeable. If you are busy doing all of the talking the ability to learn or produce anything of substance is greatly diminished. So when I plan on opening my mouth I like to be certain I know what I am talking about and what I have to say is of benefit to the recipient(s), otherwise silence is a good option.

So to answer the question where is my voice? I like to believe my voice is in my action and my action speaks for me. Strive to be among those:

  • Who teach by example.
  • Who Accomplish without taking credit.
  • Who use power instead of force.
  • who are great by acting small.

People do listen to what you say but people really learn from what you do.
