Give fear the finger…

Give fear the finger…

Fear is an emotion caused by “the belief” that the outcome of something is likely to cause pain or a threat to your well being. THE BELIEF…a belief is something one accepts as true or real with or without there being empirical evidence to prove that...
Where is your voice?

Where is your voice?

Far too often in my life I have been asked “Where is your voice?” This is usually followed by a statement like “people need to hear from you” or “why don’t you say something”. My perception is, the question “where is my...


In this area of our curriculum we learn how our personal story (our perception of our life up to now) guides our daily emotions towards bio-chemical relationships we develop within our bodies and our addictions to these states and feelings. We learn a process of...


In this area of our curriculum we study brain development, language, cognition and neurology. Under this pillar of our system we may cover a broad range of topics including belief systems, perception, critical thinking and ego state.   Paralysed woman moves robot...